Host your own Ansible galaxy Server
Ansible Galaxy Server is the server/tool behind
A tool for using and sharing Ansible Content with the community.
There is no official guide to install your own server in production but it is possible to follow
contributor guide to do it. it is easy!
You can use ansible-galaxy features through the command ansible-galaxy
intsalling the the GUI(Server).
If you installed the GUI you can also removed it without losing your data and features
Build & Install
Notes of an installation made a few years ago
# Connect to the server.. it must have docker
make dev/up_detached
cd /tmp/
git clone --branch stable/3.1
cd galaxy
make dev/up_detached # you can also build image before with make dev/build
## In current case; make dev/up_detached fails for various reasons.
### following actions has been done
## modif du Dockerfile, ajout de " || true"
vim ./scripts/docker/dev/Dockerfile et vim ./scripts/docker/dev/
make dev/build =>
docker build --rm -t galaxy-dev -f scripts/docker/dev/Dockerfile .
make dev/up_detached=>
docker-compose -p galaxy -f ./scripts/docker/dev/compose.yml up -d
make dev/down=>
docker-compose -p galaxy -f ./scripts/docker/dev/compose.yml down
# Access:
Post build setup
make dev/createsuperuse=>
DOCKER_COMPOSE= docker-compose -p galaxy -f ./scripts/docker/dev/compose.yml
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec galaxy $(GALAXY_VENV)/bin/python ./ createsuperuser
user: usergalaxy
pwd: xxxx
Various: customize release container
make build/release
container de galaxy-build
docker cp bb27278c8ee4:/galaxy/build/static .
# Dans ./scripts/docker/release/Dockerfile et 1 dans ..Dockerfile.static
COPY scripts/docker/release/dist/VERSION /var/lib/galaxy
scripts/docker/release/dist/*.whl /tmp
scripts/docker/release/static/ /var/lib/galaxy/public/static/
docker-compose -p galaxy -f ./scripts/docker/release/compose.yml up
bash / manage createsuperuser